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云顶国际yd333润滑油泵配件润滑油管Product introduction 您现在的位置:首 页 > 产品展示 > 产品详情
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  •                                                   外钢丝软管

    * 外钢丝软管使用橡胶管,可在有切屑和工作环境恶劣的场所下使用,适用于温度范围- 2 0 ~ + 8 0°C

    * Outside steel wire hose uses rubber hose, which can be in the use of chip and rough work environmentand can apply to the temperature range - 20 ~ + 80 ° C


    * 外钢丝护套软管是一种外套弹簧的尼龙管,可在有切屑和工作环境恶劣的场所下使用,适用于温度范围- 2 0 ~ + 8 0°C

    * Outside wire sheath uses nylon tube with spring, which can be in the use of chip and rough work environment and can apply to the
    temperature range - 20 ~ + 80 ° C


    * 耐高压软管使用聚氨酯材料软管,可在有切屑和工作环境恶劣的场所下使用,适用于温度范围- 2 0 ~ + 8 0°C

    * The high pressure hose uses polyurethane hose, which can in the use of chip and rough work environment and apply to the temperature range - 20 ~ + 80 ° C


    * 外钢丝软管使用橡胶管,可在有切屑和工作环境恶劣的场所下使用,适用于温度范围- 2 0 ~ + 8 0°C

    * Outside steel wire pressure hose uses rubber hose, which can be in the use of chip and rough work environment and apply to the temperature range - 20 ~ + 80 ° C

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